Tuesday, June 26, 2007

As Requested

Well, despite the fact that I still surprise myself when I walk by mirrors because I don't feel like I'm that huge, I took these pictures (actually, Josh took them) and nearly fell over when I saw them... I'm huge! But, as requested... here are belly pictures of me at 27 weeks. I go back to the doctor next Tuesday, and then I go every two weeks (oh, goody). I do get to have another ultrasound near the end of July. I guess it's not so much that I "get" to have one as it is I have to have one to make sure my placenta has moved away from my cervix (sorry to all males reading this, I know placenta and cervix are typically words you try to avoid at all costs, but you're looking at a baby blog, so you must not be too gun-shy). But I'm just excited that I get to see my baby again. I'm really not too worried about the whole placenta thing. I haven't had any bleeding at all, I've been taking it pretty easy (for me) and the doctor didn't seem too concerned about it when we went in the first time. So, like I said, I'm just excited to see how much my baby has grown! :) And she better be growing, because I sure am! :) P.S. The pictures are actually taken in the baby's room, so that's the color that I think the walls are going to stay. I like it, and I like it every time I turn on the lights in there. Now we just have to get the room decorated... someday!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Check Up

I had a doctor's appointment today, just my regular 4 week checkup. It went fine, as they usually do. The doctor listened to the heartbeat for about 5 seconds, then Elena kicked the monitor! Seriously, though, everything is fine with the baby, the doctor seemed pleased, and I apparently have only gained 11 pounds since the beginning. Of course, I lost weight first, so I've really gained 15, but that's still not so bad. It's hard to believe that just 11 pounds has caused me to outgrow ALL of my clothes! :) I have to go back in 3 weeks, then I'm on a "every-two-weeks" schedule of appointments. It's hard to believe that I'm already to that point! I got the gestational diabetes flat-Sprite drink today fto drink before my next appointment, and information on signing up for birthing classes. It's getting very real, as if the baby rolling around in my stomach wasn't real enough! But I guess we're really having a baby now! :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cool News

Well, it's been very cool to feel Elena moving around inside me, but I've been kind of sad that Josh can't share it with me. Well, this afternoon he got to feel it for the first time from the outside. She doesn't move that vigorously often, but today when we laid down for a nap she just went crazy. I just laid there for a little while, then finally woke him up and had him feel it. I was so afraid she'd stop moving, and she almost did. But she gave one last, good kick (or punch, not sure which) that he could feel. It was very cool! She's becoming more and more active, that's for sure! :)

In other news, my friend Liz had her baby last week, SOO exciting! Her name is Charlotte, and she's beautiful!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Well, not much new to report, but pregnancy is still treating me pretty well. I am really tired, though that could be from the moving and end of the school year craziness, but I feel good. And I eat everything in sight. I feel Elena move quite a bit, though Josh can't feel her yet. She moves a lot, especially when I have to go to the bathroom and she uses my bladder as a trampoline. She spends most of her time laying low in my abdomen. I go back to the doctor next week, and, I'll be honest, I'm pretty scared to step on the scale! My body has definitely changed! We went hiking over Memorial Day weekend with Ruth for the senior retreat. I couldn't keep up with them, I got so tired. And my balance was off, which was funny. The next day my stomach really hurt, though. Moving the next day didn't help, either. But, mostly, I'm enjoying being pregnant. And I'm excited to experience the rest of it! It's been really neat for me to blog stalk my friend from high school, Liz, who is about 3 months ahead of me. She is due any day, and it's just really exciting to watch her go through all of this, and know that I'm going to be doing the same thing in the next couple of months! Fun, fun...