Here's the promised weekly (or bi-weekly) post... although, as I went back through the pictures, I really haven't been very good at taking pictures the last couple of weeks. I still managed to find 9 pictures to put up, though... is it sad that 9 pictures counts as "not very many?!"
Anyway, it's been an exhausting couple of weeks. I had to go back to work full time the first week of August, so Elena went back to daycare full time. Of course, she came home after the first week with a bit of a cold, but (so far) it hasn't gone to her ears. I have discovered that she is MUCH better at fighting off the saline bottle, though! She starts flailing and screaming as soon as she sees it! She's gotten her 3rd tooth, it's her top right front one. I get the feeling the other top front one is coming, too, because she's still been pretty fussy, and her gum is all hard right there. She's learning to love to eat real food. She still prefers veggies (especially peas and corn) but she likes cut up grapes, too. And she loves biscuits, and turkey burgers! I think her aversion to fruit is more a texture thing- fruit is so juicy, it gets slimy and I don't think she likes that. And we still feed her baby food, but at least one meal a day she sits in her high chair at the table with us while we all eat. We think it's important to teach her how to sit and eat dinner. She definitely has all kinds of personality, and she loves the word "uh-oh," especially when we're grocery shopping. She will take whatever she's holding (she prefers my pen or my shopping list), yell "uh-oh" at the top of her lungs, and fling it on the floor. I keep trying to explain to her that it doesn't count if you say "uh-oh" BEFORE you throw it on the floor, but it doesn't seem to sink in. Regardless, I've gotten very good and swooping down and picking something (toys, list, pen, keys) off of the floor without breaking stride while shopping! :) She's also really started wanting to walk. She usually only goes 2 or 3 steps at a time, and it's not so much walking as "falling, with style" (name that movie?), but she gets SO excited when she does it. The girls at the daycare said she went 7 steps the other day... so, life as we know it is about to change! Though, I've discovered that's kind of what parenting is- you get used to something, and they grow out of that phase and life as you know it changes, and by the time you get used to the new phase, it all changes again! Guess this is what we signed up for! :) And we wouldn't trade it for the world!
Alrighty, enough of the talking, onto the pictures...
At VBS Parent night... apparently, it was so humid that the lens fogged up and we didn't realize it. It's too bad, because these were some darn cute pics of her swinging in one of the baby swings. She LOVED it. But I still thought this pic was kind of cool with the foggy look!

Her new favorite trick: emptying the cd tower. I guess they make cool noises. There has been much screaming, and lots of "NOs," but I think we've mostly stopped this really fun activity... I know, I know, we're the meanest parents ever!

We finally got our gate, and we got to move the coffee table out of the living room. Makes our living room feel much less like a corral! And it works wonderfully to keep the dog and the baby separate when we let Isa in the house. Although, they defnitely love on each other through the gate. The first time, it made us really nervous (most of you know how unpredictable Isabelle is), but they petted/licked each other through the cracks (Elena petted, Isa licked, not the other way around!) then Isa flipped over on her back and showed her belly to Elena. So we took that as a good sign. When Isa is in, it's really hard to keep either of them away from the gate! But, hey, they're entertained!

Elena got to go with us to Camp Windermere last weekend. Grandma Price came along to take care of Elena so that I could be part of the group. We were out in the woods all day, so napping happened in the stroller... and she looked pretty cute passed out!

Check out the teeth!

I love this hat on her... and she actually left it on sometimes.

Since we were at Windermere, we got to go swimming again!! Although, it was cloudy and about 70, so it wasn't the greatest swimming weather. Poor Elena's lips were just quivering, but she was smiling and laughing at the same time!

Grinning and bearing it! I felt bad that she was cold, but she was loving it!

Wapped up nice and warm on the deck... check out the hair!
Well, that's about it for the last couple of weeks. 4 more weeks until the big birthday! Pretty much anyone who reads this blog is getting an invitation to her party, and, if I forget you, you're invited anyway! September 13th. 6:00 pm at our house! :) Hard to believe my baby's not going to be a baby much longer!