Sunday, April 29, 2007

Nothing Much

Well, nothing much to report on the baby front... I am in the middle of my 19th week, which is hard to believe. I guess that means almost halfway done, but it sure doesn't feel like it! I had a doctor's appointment recently, and she said everything seems fine. I got to hear the heartbeat again, which is really cool. It's just hard to believe that there is really something growing inside me. Although, it's definitely growing! I've managed to outgrow most of my normal clothes. I still fit into two pairs of jeans and a pair of black pants, but that's about it. It's definitely time for clothes shopping! In fact, I went to Bob's wedding in Texas last weekend, and brought an outfit of regular clothes to wear. Well, when I got there, they didn't fit anymore! So we had to hit the mall and buy an actual maternity dress, which is actually pretty cute. Two weeks from Tuesday we find out whether it's a boy or a girl... I'll definitely have more news then...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy all the wonderful things your body is going through (it's hard sometimes!)....pregnancy is so amazing and believe it or not, you'll look back after your sweet bundle of joy is here and actually MISS being pregnant. At least, I did! Glad everything is going well. Make sure and post when you find out boy or girl! Yeah!

jess said...

Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy!
(here's hoping...)

Although, twist my arm, there's nothing I'd rather do than spoil a neice. We had great aunts that did that for us - what a fun role I get to have!!