Thursday, July 5, 2007


Well, I had my check up on Tuesday, and it went pretty well. I had to do the gestational diabetes test beforehand, so I had to drink the glucola. Pretty darn gross. I mean, not so bad if you just have to take a drink or two. But having to slam 10 ounces of it was pretty gross. Anyway, I managed to get it down, and even managed to be at the path lab on time, despite having to leave school early and race across town.

As for my regular doctor's appointment, her exact words were "Well, your weight has taken quite a jump from your last visit." So apparently gaining 6 pounds in 3 weeks is a bit much. Whoops! :) I'm still only up like 16 pounds from my starting weight, but I've actually gained 21, since I lost 5 pounds to start with. Guess I'll just have to watch it until my next appointment. I think I'm supposed to be gaining 1 pound a week, so doubling it probably isn't the best plan! Plus, I'd like to gain as little as possible now because I have to lose it all (and then some, preferably) before Jessica's wedding in April so that I can fit into a bridesmaid's dress! At least I have some good motivation now!

I have 3 weeks until my next ultrasound, and I'm excited to see how much she's grown. She moves a lot, and sometimes you can even see my stomach move. Sometimes it's not big movements, it's just little things I can feel. Then every once in awhile she just hauls off and gives it a good kick (or elbow, or headbut, don't know which), and it surprises me. It's definitely been fun! :)

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