Thursday, September 27, 2007

Two Weeks

Well, Elena turned 2 weeks old yesterday... she has had a very eventful second week of life at home with me! :)

She practiced smiling and looking adorable.
Met her Aunt Jess and had her first trip to Grandma & Grandpa Price's house...
Took a nap...Got a present from her Great-Grandma Price- these are shoes that a friend made for Elena's Grandpa Price when he was a baby- so they are 50 years old! Aren't they sweet?!
Modeled her new shoes... they fit pretty well! Hard to believe that Grandpa Price's feet were that little!
Modeling is hard work, so she took another nap...
Wore her "Daddy Does My Hair" onesie...
Helped Daddy study for his Old Testament test...
And, exhausted, took another nap... life is so hard for a baby!
Truthfully, life has been pretty busy around here this week. With Aunt Jess in town, I have a ride everywhere! So Elena has been making the rounds to visit all the people who want to see her (or show her off). We went to D&H and met her future employers (she is a legacy, after all). Then we went to my office, where she woke up, filled her drawers (loudly, and on video), and then declared (forcefully) that she was hungry. So that was actually a short visit! Then she visited Grandma Price's office and met everyone there. She also made her first trip to the mall with Aunt Jess and Aunt Kate. So Elena was quite the social butterfly this week!
As for me, I am doing well... My incision only hurts occasionally, and since Jess has been driving us all over Columbia, I'm not feeling stir crazy at all. I have learned several things about motherhood, though...
1) You can't have enough burp cloths
2) My boobs can tell time better than I can- they know precisely when it's been 2 hours since the last feeding, and will let me know.
3) Bright eyes at 4:30 in the morning are not a good sign
4) There is nothing sweeter smelling than a baby who just had a bath
5) I really could spend all day staring at my sweet baby...
So there's our weekly update... all is well in the newly expanded Looten family! :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Baby Pictures

Hey, thought I'd let everyone know that there are baby pictures on Boone Hospital's website. Just scroll down to the 9/12 babies, and click on Elena Anne. The password is just our last name. She was not happy to be awake when it was time to take her picture, so they aren't the best pictures, but the one of her in Josh's hands is pretty adorable. Here's the link...

If perchance you want to order a picture, just click on "Order Photos Online" and it will take you to the FirstFoto website. Our customer number (it asks for it when you go to checkout) is 07831-2138-24679. Enjoy the pictures! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

She's famous!

Well, I don't know why they picked her. Probably because I answered the phone and said yes. But I like to think it's because she's the cutest baby born that week! But, whatever the reason, Elena Anne is the "Baby of the week" in this week's Missourian. Here's the article. It's pretty simple, but the picture's one of my favorites! Enjoy...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

One Week

It's hard to believe it, but Elena is one week old today... well, tonight, but close enough! I woke up this morning and had to laugh because today was the day she was supposed to be induced. We would have gone in early, early this morning (it was scheduled for 0600). Instead, I woke up to my baby and am spending all day with her. She's so different already from a week ago. Her cone head has pretty much disappeared, and she is already sleeping less and staying active longer. I could spend hours watching her facial expressions... I know she doesn't make them on purpose yet, but they are still adorable.

She had her first doctor's appointment on Monday. They said everything looked great, and she actually has gained 5 ounces since she left the hospital, which is good. Her jaundice has gotten much better, and she spends time everyday sunbathing, which is really cute to watch! I just hope she doesn't get a sunburn!
Anyway, in her first week she's also made 2 trips to Walmart (gotta start them out early), and had tons of visitors! Last night she even let us sleep for 9 hours (not in a row, but in 3 hour chunks, which is not so bad). Anyway, I am loving being a mom, and Josh is loving being a dad. Truman even doesn't hate being a "brother," mostly because we leave our door open at night so now he gets to sleep with us! He mostly just ignores Elena, though, which is fine. As long as he doesn't go crazy and start marking things! But everyone seems to be adjusting to family life pretty well... it's hard to believe we can love something this much!
And now, what you've all really been wanting... baby pictures! :)

The first diaper change... now Daddy's a pro at them! :)

This is what I got to look at from my hospital bed all day... doesn't get much cuter!

Being held by one of her many visitors...

Headed home... at least 2 of us were happy! Josh says she was mad because of the bunny slippers... I think they're cute!

This is one of my favorites... so far!

Everybody loves being rocked by Daddy!

Headed to church for the first time... she actually didn't miss a service because she wasn't born Wednesday, and she was in church on Sunday! She was quite the hit, because she's so darn cute!

Sunbathing... I don't know what it is about a sunbathing baby, but they're so adorable!

She's a thumb-sucker!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Special Delivery

Well, you've all seen pictures of Elena now, and there will be LOTS more in the near future (I promise!) but I thought I'd tell the story of Wednesday night. Some of you have probably heard it already, some of you were lucky (or something) enough to be there, but here it is anyway...

Tuesday afternoon during my doctors' appointments Elena didn't do her practice breathing, so my doctor decided to induce Wednesday. Labor and Delivery was busy, so she said they would just call us and let us know when there was a bed open. So Josh and I spent a very odd Wednesday. We both took off work, and we went out to breakfast and went to Target to buy a last minute baby outfit (because we knew she'd be swimming in the outfit we brought to take her home) and just sitting around twiddling our thumbs. They finally called at about 3:00, and told us to come on in. So we did... we were both really nervous, it's not the same as the "Honey, I think it's time" drive, since we knew we were going in that day, but we still couldn't shake the fact that we were headed to the hospital to have a baby. It was a funny feeling to sit there and have Elena moving around inside me, thinking that she'd shortly be moving around outside me!

Anyway, we made it to the hospital and got all checked in around 3:30... The nurse started my pitocin drip, and asked me millions of questions. My contractions started, but they weren't bad. They were definitely different from the ones I'd been feeling at home, but I had a nice break in between them and didn't have much trouble breathing through them. Josh's family came in to say hi, Dave came by and prayed with us, and Mom and Ruth got there. Contractions got progressively worse, but I was still only dialated at 2 1/2 cm (I'd been 2 cm at my doctor's appointment the day before). My nurse, Sue, said that I could have 2 visitors at a time, and that I should probably settle in for a long night. Josh and I were a little bummed, because we wanted Elena to have the 12th as her birthday, just for the fun that it would be 5 years to the day after our second first date. But it really didn't matter to us...

Suddenly, the room was very full of people. Two nurses and Dr. Boulicault all came blowing in and slide the curtain closed behind them. They came over to me and said "Roll over on your left side. Ok, roll over on your right side." It was a little scary, too. Plus, as they rolled me over on my right side, I suddenly felt like I'd peed my pants. I thought at first it was just a little bit, so I must have just squirted... but then it just kept coming. So I told them, um, I think my water just broke. And they flipped the sheet up (you really lose your dignity/modesty very quickly during labor) and said "Oh, it sure did!" So then Dr. Boulicault put an internal monitor on Elena, and finally things calmed down. It wasn't until now that they told Josh and I what was going on. Apparently, Elena's heart rate had dropped below the ideal level and stayed there for a couple of minutes. It went right back up, but they decided to put the internal monitor on anyway, since my water had broken and they'd had trouble keeping track of her with the external monitor. The internal monitor (I actually remembered this from our birthing class) is a wire with a little corkscrew on the top of it that they stick inside and twist into the scalp of the baby. That way they're not trying to chase the baby from the outside to get a heartbeat- it's more reliable. Unfortunately, it also meant that I couldn't get up and walk. And it was really weird because as she moved around inside me the wire twisted outside me, which felt really weird. But, anyway, that scary episode aside, and my water broken, labor continued...

The contractions got progressively worse... and, actually worse than the pain was that there was no break between them. I would have one contraction, then 15 seconds later I'd have another one. So I told my nurse that maybe I would like something to take the edge off of the pain. It wasn't time for my epidural yet, but they gave me stadol instead. This was not helpful! It didn't really take the edge off the pain, I could still feel all of the contractions. What it did do was make me stupid. I couldn't put coherent thoughts together, and I could hardly open my eyes. But everything still really hurt, and the contractions were still coming one on top of the other. Josh and my mom and Ellen were all in with me at this point, and poor Josh's hand was beat red and had finger marks at the end of every contraction. Since the stadol didn't really help, they decided to go ahead and put in the epidural. So the nurse did an exam on me to get me ready for it, and I was 4 cm. dialated by then. Since I was less than aware after the stadol, I have no idea what time it was by then, but I'm thinking somewhere around 8:00 or 8:30. Ellen and Mom both left, Ellen had to go back to Sam's baseball game, and I think it bothered Mom to see me so out of it and still in pain. Plus, she'd always said she didn't want to be there for the ugly part! Anyway, the doctor who was putting in the epidural had another patient, and then he was going to be in to do mine. So we were back to waiting... the contractions gave me 15 or 20 seconds in between, and I was miserable. But eventually (I think it was probably around an hour later) he got there and started to put in my epidural.

I had to sit up so that he could get to my back, and I couldn't move, even during contractions (which I had several of), so putting in the epidural was pretty hard, too. The actual procedure didn't hurt (at least not enough to penetrate my stadol fuzziness) but sitting up during contractions hurt really bad. Once it was in, they said it would probably take 15 minutes or so to take complete effect. Then the nurse decided to examine me. It's all very fuzzy, but I remember her telling the other nurse "I can't find it." It took me a couple of minutes to realize that she was talking about my cervix, and she couldn't find it anymore, meaning I was fully dialated. So another nurse checked it, and she could feel the cervix, and said I was "8 cm and VERY thin." And suddenly the room was full of people again... even more than during the first low heart rate incident. Dr. Boulicault was there, Dr. Cowen (who did the epidural) was there, and lots of nurses. They came in and just flipped my sheets off (meaning I was basically totally naked in a room full of people) and Dr. Boulicault started examining me... she said that the baby's heart rate had dropped again, and they were trying to get it back up. If they couldn't, they would have to do a c-section. So she was massaging the top of Elena's head, and they were flipping me side to side. It was especially scary because the epidural gave me the shakes, so my whole body was shaking, I couldn't really put coherent thoughts together, and there was something wrong with my baby. And because all the doctors and nurses were there, Josh had to step away.

Anyway, they couldn't get the heartbeat to come up and stay up (it would go up, then drop again, then spike again) so Dr. Boulicault decided to go ahead and do a c-section. Suddenly they were shaving me, then wheeling me out of the room. Poor Josh got left behind, which I know was really hard on him. They told him they would be back to get him when they got me settled in and he could be with me during the operation. So they wheeled me very quickly to the operating room, and I have very random, disconnected memories of everything that happened next. They checked to see if my epidural was working, which it wasn't. Since that wasn't working, they had to knock me completely out, except I still remember a few things... I remember the doctor and the nurse both getting really close to my face and telling me that Elena was doing fine, her heartbeat was back up, but they were going to get her out anyway. I remember the doctor checking to see if my epidural was working by poking on my stomach and asking if it was a pinch or just pressure (it was a pinch, which meant the epidural wasn't working). I remember that they told me to cross my arms on my chest and then they moved me to the new table. And I remember being very, very aware that I was nearly naked in this very bright room. And I remember them counting something, which Ellen tells me was probably a sponge count after the surgery. Why I remember these things, I don't know. But those are the memories I have. The really sad part was that, since they knocked me totally out, Josh couldn't be in the room with me. So I don't have any memories of the actual birth, and he didn't get to see it, or cut the cord, or anything, either. That part was not really how I pictured it going, but then I didn't really picture having a c-section, either.

I woke up back in my labor and delivery room, with the doctors around me, checking out how I was coming out of it. I didn't really know what had happened, I think I even asked someone if I'd had a c-section and had the baby. Josh and Elena were nowhere to be seen. But when they were finished checking me out, they sent Josh in. I still had the shakes, which are actually common after delivery, so I was still shaking uncontrollably, which was still kind of scary. I felt better after Josh got there, though. He held my hand and told me that our daughter was beautiful and healthy. I think he had been as scared as me (if not more so, since he wasn't fuzzy from pain meds), and the shakes really bothered him. But he had taken pictures of Elena on the warmer, and showed them to me. Not how I pictured seeing my daughter for the first time, but she was beautiful.

The next hour or so passed kind of in a haze as I was coming off of the anesthesia. But the shaking stopped, and after an hour or so they brought Elena in to see us (that's the picture of the 3 of us that's on the last post). I nursed her a little, which I was glad I got the chance to do, because it's so important right after birth. And, of course, I fell in love with her. Then they moved us into our recovery room at about 1:15, and we got a little sleep.

Since then, we've been loving having our sweet baby girl. We spent Thursday and Friday in the hospital, and came home Saturday afternoon. It was very surreal to be driving her home on Saturday, to think that we were all on our own with her now. But we've had her home for a whole day now, and even got a little sleep last night! Probably the coolest thing about the last couple of days has been watching Josh become a daddy. It comes so naturally to him, and he's wonderful at it. He has changed more diapers then I have, and he loves his little girl. Although the birth wasn't exactly what I had pictured and hoped for, God watched over us both the whole time, and blessed us with a beautiful little girl. It's hard to believe that a week ago we didn't have a daughter. It still feels unreal sometimes, but at the same time it feels so natural. Parenthood is such a strange and wonderful blessing.

**I know everyone wants pictures, and they will be coming soon (probably tomorrow). I just wanted to get this all written out before the memories faded any more.**

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007



So that's the big news for today... I had my normal doctors' appointments today, and Miss Elena wouldn't cooperate with the ultrasound technician and do her practice breathing for 30 seconds. She did it for 15, and she did it for 20, but not for 30 seconds straight. So then when I got downstairs to Dr. Boulicault's office, she said that we had two options. I could come back for another non-stress test on Friday, or we could induce tomorrow. Both our jaws just hit the floor, and we managed to stutter something that sounded like "Whatever you think is best." Well, she said that if we didn't have a strong opinion either way then we should just go for the induction tomorrow. So then she left to schedule it, and Josh and I fell to pieces... we just laughed and laughed. And it's been a little crazy in my head ever since... as evidenced by the fact that, since the words "induce you tomorrow" came out of Dr. Boulicault's mouth I have...

~ nearly killed myself getting dressed (trying to stand up, look at Josh, and put pants on with no balance... not a good idea)
~ speed talked and stumbled through an inservice (I had to teach one right after my doctor's appointment... I was a little airheaded)
~ locked my keys in the car at D&H, the keys were in the ignition with the accessories on (thanks, Charlie, for rescuing me)
~ frantically talked on the phone more than I have in the last week combined!

And now I'm doing laundry, and my mind is still racing a mile a minute! They actually don't have me scheduled tomorrow because they're booked, so I'm just going to sit around all morning until they call. I'll be spinning in circles, I'm sure...

But, anyway, we're very excited, and I can't believe that, after all this time, Elena will be here tomorrow! (or maybe Thursday). We'll let everyone know ASAP! :)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Bag

Ok, so I caved to my husband's constant nagging (he's quite good) and packed a bag for labor. But as I started, I realized I had no idea what to pack. So I kind of followed along with the list in the book from my birthing class, with a few exceptions (no aromatherapy for me, and no "flavorings for ice chips"). But I still don't really feel prepared. So, for all the moms who read this blog... what do I really need to take with me to the hospital? What did you have and not use? What did you want and not have? Just curious... let me know your thoughts!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Well, I'm officially 38 weeks today, which I think is considered full term. I'm feeling contractions pretty often, but not regularly, and they aren't getting any stronger. Elena is still moving around quite a bit. I feel smaller parts moving now-knees or elbows or feet, but not as much big movement. Guess she's getting pretty cramped in there.

I went to the doctors' on Tuesday, like normal. Dr. Grant said I was having "significant uterine contractions" during my non-stress test. But everything looks fine. I got my favorite tech for the ultrasound. She's always excited and laughs and jokes about the baby. And she makes an effort to get good pictures, which is nice. Elena was sticking her tongue out again, which is always entertaining. plus, she had to be "buzzed" so she would do her practice breathing, and that's always funny to watch and feel. they also checked her weight, and she weighs 6 lbs and 8oz, which is right at average. Of course, that's just a guess, I don't think those measurements are always exactly accurate. Dr. Boulicault's appointment went fine as well. I lost a couple of the pounds that I gained last week. She checked my cervix again, and said it hadn't changed much. She said I was "maybe a loose one." So the contractions I'm having aren't really doing anything. But that's ok because I'd still like to make it through next week, which is a crazy-busy week at work. But, honestly, I'm so ready for this baby to be born that I don't care when it happens! Dr. Boulrcault did give me an endpoint... she's going to induce me on September 19th, if I don't go into labor before that. So, it's a little scary, but we have a latest possible day! We're gonna be parents in two weeks, at the latest!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Nursery

With "D-Day" rapidly closing in on us, I finally realized that the nursery HAD to be done! So Ellen came over on Sunday afternoon and Monday morning and helped me (being majorly flair-impaired) get the room ready for Miss Elena. We used what we had, and I love the way it turned out! I walk by it and think, "Oh, my gosh, we could have a baby in there anytime!" It's kind of scary, but the room itself turned out really cute!

The crib and the changing table look great! Props to Josh for getting both put together right (with minimal cursing and fighting). The flowers on the wall were decoration at my church shower, don't they make cute decorations?! And the comforter from our bed set became a great wall hanging! This is the part of the room that I really look at and go, Wow, we're having a baby! There are even diapers piled up on the changing table... about enough for 2 days, but it looks like a lot!

Elena's very full (and very pink) closet! This girl definitely has more clothes than her mommy! We finally gave up and shoved the bouncy seat into the closet, but it'll come out when she's a little older!

A close up of the VERY cute diaper bag my aunt, Sarah, made for me! I love it!

With all of the really cute clothes she already had, Josh and I still couldn't resist picking out her coming-home outfit ourselves. So we found this really adorable purple dress. Now it's just hanging in the closet, waiting for coming home day!

While the girls were working on the nursery, Josh was putting the car seat in the the car, so now we have a nursery that's ready, and I'm driving around with a car seat in my back seat! It's pretty scary how real it is all becoming now! Not much longer...


Well, I had my final shower this weekend (and I made it there with baby still inside, which I was a little worried about!). Josh's family came to Columbia from Springfield to throw it for me at Grandma Looten's house. We had a really good time, and Miss Elena got tons of fun gifts! She got her first Supergirl onesie (a must for Josh's daughter) and a Superman sippy cup, and her first Cardinals t-shirt. Plus we got car seats for both cars, and the stroller, and a beautiful rocking chair, all of which we definitely needed! And I got to spend the afternoon/evening hanging out with Josh's family and telling funny growing up stories. We had lots of laughs, and a really good time! I can't be thankful enough for such a great family!! :)