Saturday, March 8, 2008

Week 25

Well, I've already posted on the blogs a little about this week... Poor Elena got her first ear infection, and she's been working through her amoxicillin since then. Which she hates, and which has turned half of her clothes (and half of mine) a lovely shade of pink! But, on the good side, we had a beautiful weekend outside last weekend, so we went for a walk and barbecued.

As far as milestones, she hasn't hit any major ones this week... but I am continually amazed by how strong she's getting. She can sit up on her own for a little while, though she is not good at monitoring herself- i.e. when she starts to fall, she doesn't try to correct, it's just "TIMBER!" So if I leave her to sit on her own, it's usually with the boppy around her, so she only falls halfway, and has a nice soft landing! She's definitely picking things she likes now, she reaches for everything. She actually has purpose when she reaches, which is something new. Our little girl is growing up so fast!

Next week will be exciting... she turns 6 months old, and gets to start eating fruits! :) There will definitely be pictures of that! After all of the green beans, carrots, squash, peas, and sweet potatoes, she'll be so excited about fruit, she'll probably eat all of it! Regardless, I'm sure there will be good faces and great pictures, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, enjoy some of my favorites from this week...

Check out the pink amoxicillin face! I am so never getting that stuff out of all of our clothes!

She LOVES her glow worm.

Sweet, sleeping baby... the red cheeks are from the fever, poor thing!

Reading... or eating... a good book!

The mean things we do to our children... but she's so cute! :)



April said...

Sweet baby girl, she is getting so big! 6 months old next week. I can't believe it! She sure is a beauty!

jess said...

Oh I can't believe how big she's getting either! How do we make time slow down??? :)

I love the pink Amoxicillin face!! Classy!

Liz said...

I love the pic of her chillin outside in her bouncy seat. So cute. She has her shades on and everything!