Week 31 was a pretty normal & boring week for Miss Elena, which was just fine with her (and us)! Last Friday we had a movie night: we bought candy and all 3 camped out on the bed and watched a movie on the TV in our room. Saturday Josh and I left Elena with Grandma Price and went to see a Kutlass concert in Meramec Caverns. Then this week has been pretty normal... days at work and daycare, evenings hanging out at home! Some of my favorite pictures...
Being a 7 month old is so exhausting!

Vegetables are an important part of a baby's diet... now if I could just get through this plastic bag!

This is our new favorite baby item- a tray for the Bumbo! We can put her toys on it and she stays in it a lot better. And it'll be perfect for taking with us: a really handy travel high chair!

On movie night-- Elena decided she likes strawberry milkshake whoppers! The funny thing is she did that all on her own: she picked up the box and started chewing on it. It was pretty hilarious.

Trying her first solid food- those little dissolving puffs. She was not to enthused about eating them. So we'll wait awhile.

Thought this was awful cute! We laid her down for a nap Sunday afternoon, and then we started hearing some talking over the monitor. When I went in to get her, this is what I found! She rolls all of the time now!

Well, like I said, a pretty normal week for Miss Elena. She is pretty amazing, though. She grows up so fast! She's learned how to play with everything now. She is a maniac with her little car toy and she is becoming very mobile. She's really steady sitting up now, she hardly ever falls. And, probably the funniest thing she does now: she'll have actual conversations with us. Not that she actually says words, but she'll make a sound, then you make it back, she'll "talk" back. It's pretty fun!
I love the way her toes are curling in the picture with the Bumbo tray!! And I love her cute little jean jacket. Very stylish for Miss Elena.
Love you guys! Thanks, as always, for the picture update. Hard to believe she's been around 31 WEEKS!!
Hey! Cute pics! I think we should get a tray for our bumbo. I never thought about using it for a travel highchair! Brilliant!
Liz, maybe Miss Elena would like to chew on a fang biscuit...you and your sibs loved them. I think she is old enough for them. You will need a large tarp to put underneath her seat though...messy, but oh so tasty! Yaya
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