Thursday, April 24, 2008

Week 32

Well, this will be a pretty boring post as far as posts go, because we've suffered a loss-- my camera died! So I'm down to my HP, which doesn't take great pictures. So... here are the only pictures I have from this week...

Elena is definitely related to me-- a morning person she is NOT! This is what she typically looks like in the mornings, waiting for me to get dressed.
The rest are from just this evening, while we were hanging out. She doesn't have clothes on because she's already been through 3 outfits today, and I didn't feel like putting her in another one for an hour! So diaper it was!
All of her toys, and she's chewing on my sock! At least it was clean...
She's trying really hard to crawl. She's actually managed to get her stomach off of the floor a few times, though that's only been in the last couple of days.

But mostly she looks like this!

So, it hasn't been a well-documented week, but it's been a good one! This past weekend, we got to introduce Elena to our friends Bob and Robyn from Texas because they were up here for a wedding. We hung out at Flat Branch, actually until like midnight. Josh was out of town until 9pm, so we didn't even get there until 9:30. I totally expected Elena to stay awake for like an hour, then pass out in her seat. But she stayed awake (and adorable) for the whole time! In a crowded restaurant like that, she watched EVERYTHING! Robyn and Bob thought she was cute, of course. And we had a great time hanging out with them, like we always do!
Other than that, it's been a pretty normal week. The weather's been beautiful, so we went on a couple of walks and enjoyed it. The last couple of days Elena has been a voracious eater. She's eating just gobs, and the daycare is asking me what to do. I don't know! The weird thing is, she doesn't eat like that when she's at home. At the daycare she may have pears and cereal and 3 oz of milk in one sitting. And she'll want to eat again in 1 1/2 or 2 hrs! But at home she goes 3 or 4 hours sometimes! Although even at home she sometimes wants to eat all of the time. I guess she's just going through a growth spurt. And I think at the daycare, if they cry, feeding them is the first thing they try. And, well, she's a Price and a Looten, she's not going to turn down food! :)
Well, hopefully, next week I'll hopefully have my new camera and lots more pictures!


April said...

I love the morning sleepy face picture! Mean ol Mommy woke her up, poor baby ;)
She is so precious, Liz. I just want to eat her up!

Liz said...

She is so cute! I love the face in the carpet shot. Darn it, its so hard to learn these new skills!! Charlotte started eating a ton around 7 months too. Around 9 months she was eating a full nursing (or 6 oz of milk) and then 2 tubs of baby food, and then sometimes table food after that. Geez, thry get expensive.

jess said...

I love how dazed she looks in the morning shot. Definitely a Price girl!! "Don't talk to me til I wake up all the way." :)