So, the work towards crawling continues. This is a pretty funny new trick!
Eventually, I will put up another post. With my new camera, I have gobs of really cute pictures. But, I have no time (as you can probably tell from the six weeks it's been since I updated the other blog). So, for now, enjoy the video, and sometime I will post more pictures!
Truman's face is PRICELESS when she touches him!!! He's like "when did she learn to do that?!" And I love how he slinks away. I think he realizes his freedom is about to be sorely limited now that the 'Lena is mobile!!
Cute video, keep 'em coming.
Truman's life as he knows it is now over...he will cosntantly be stalked by the wild baby!
Elena really has some booty movement going on there...
Man, it has to take so much abdominal power to hold that pose. I should try it sometime. Good job Lanie! So big. She is close to just taking off, Liz. Get ready. I also love Trumans reaction when she get him. He keeps backing up like "dont touch me"
Elena is growing so fast!! What a cutie. G'De
Great video....I LOVE Truman's reaction. Kind of like, "um, what the h*ll is this??" And I love at the end when Elena looks at the camera like, "Did you just see snub me?"
Way cute!
yeah, I meant to say "did you just see HIM snub me!"
man, i need to proof read these things before i hit publish.
I just get so excited :)
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