Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

Well, it was my first Mother's Day, and now it's Josh's first Father's Day! So, a look back at 9 months as a daddy...

Happy first Father's Day, love of my life... It has been a joy to watch you become a daddy! :)
And happy Father's Day to my dad! Thanks for helping me be a better parent!


April said...

Happy Father's Day, Josh! Have a great day with your two best girls. Elena is a very lucky little lady.

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day, Josh! I'm so glad you are my grandbaby's daddy and my daughter's husband! We are very proud of you all.

(Rich and Kathy--thank you for training Josh up in the way he should go!)

-Grandma Carol

jess said...

Happy Fathers Day Josh!! You really are a phenomenal dad, and I am SO glad Liz and Laney have you to take care of them.

Now, Liz - that picture of Laney and Josh with him in the yellow Mizzou shirt at the bottom, is ADORABLE!! I love the grin she has!!