Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Best Time of the Month

Well, we got through Christmas, and didn't get to give the parents their new ornaments... we bought them all grandma/grandpa ornaments to give them this Christmas if we were pregnant...So those will go away with the Christmas stuff and be pulled out next year... hopefully.

That being said, this is the best time of the month. It's ovulation week, and we can hope and hope that we're going to be pregnant by the end of this week. Then follows the week of waiting, walking on eggshells, and then the week of elation or disappointment. But this week is always the best because we're the most hopeful. I just have trouble with focusing on now, and not worrying about the weeks to come. This wouldn't really be the best month to get pregnant in; the baby would be due in September, not the best for a teacher. But despite all of the logical issues with it, I don't care. I just want to have a baby, I'm letting God work out the timing. Hey, it'd be a great reason to become the media specialist, though! :) But I'll let God work that out, too...

Sunday, December 17, 2006


We spent Thursday night with a group of people from church. We had a really great time, and both of use enjoyed hanging out with them very much. Friends have been sorely lacking from our busy lives, because we are in between everything- the people our age are out drinking, etc, and that's just not us. So it has really been a blessing to find these people. But when it comes down to the whole baby thing (which is never far below the surface these days) you really couldn't get a more opposite group. There's one couple that (for whatever reason) couldn't/didn't have kids. Then there's one couple who desperately want kids, and are trying to adopt. They've been waiting for over 2 years now, have even met their child, and may not actually get to take him home. And the 3rd couple that was there has a healthy baby boy. And then there's us. So it was a very odd mixture of people, as far as the whole baby thing goes. The nice thing about that was, talk of babies was pretty much nil, except for one comment insinuating we should have babies soon... which I just laughed off.

So, the newest not so cool thing about trying to have a baby... since I'm off my birth control I have exploded with acne. I looked in the mirror this morning and it's everywhere! I guess the b/c was keeping it under control. Now I look like I belong in jr. high again! Ahh, well, the sacrifices for having a baby... totally worth it! I just can't tell everyone why I've suddenly morphed pre-pubescent!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Unhelpul things

Ok, so these are the things that are not helpful when you are trying to get pregnant but not telling anyone...

~ People asking if you are expecting (HAVE I GAINED THAT MUCH WEIGHT?!)
~ Grandparents-to-be making it abundantly clear that they're ready to get rid of that whole "to-be" thing.
~ Friends with babies
~ Co-workers with babies
~ Adorable 2 year old ring bearers running around giggling at old friend's weddings- has anything ever looked cuter in a tux?!
~ 4 million Playskool and Fisher-Price commercial for cute baby toys

And that's just in the last week... At some point I might actually yell at someone. Seriously, I'm afraid they're going to ask me on the wrong day (say, just after I've started) and I'm going to rip someone's head off... "YES, THANK YOU, I KNOW YOU WANT ME TO HAVE A CHILD I'M TRYING MY DARNDEST BUT THANKS FOR RUBBING IT IN THAT WE HAVEN'T SUCCEEDED YET!" What does Billy Crystal say in The Princess Bride? "While you're at it, why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour some lemon juice in it?!" I know they all mean well, and I know they're just excited for us to have a baby... but "You're killing me, Smalls!"

Hello, Baby Blog

Ok, well... no one will be reading this for quite some time... but I still need a place to vent. I had planned to vent to Martha when I was planning to get pregnant this fall, but she left! As much as I love Jamie, I'm not close enough to her yet to feel comfortable sharing this kind of thing with her. But I need somewhere to vent the frustration! So... the long and the short of it is that, obviously, we are trying to have a baby. We wanted to get pregnant in September or October, because that would fit well with my school schedule (isn't it funny how we think we have a plan). So the goal was to get pregnant, and, if we weren't pregnant by November, we would stop trying and wait another year. Those of you who tried a plan like that, well, you can imagine how much we wanted to give up trying after we weren't pregnant in November... NOT AT ALL! So we made the decision to just go with it, and let God work in His time (I know, what a concept!), and deal with the school repercussions as they come. And that's what we're doing, albeit not very patiently! As of now I have been off b/c since August... so this is the fourth month that we've been trying. Right now I am in the lovely in-between time. The last couple months my period has started on like Wednesday, stopped after just one day, then started again that weekend. Well, yesterday it started, and now it's stopped again, although I can feel the PMS, so I imagine it will be back by this weekend. It just sucks because it is quite the roller coaster! Josh's comment was "Well, now isn't the best time to be pregnant anyway because then you'd be due at the beginning of the school year." Which is true... but not really what I wanted to hear!! :) Anyway... so that's where we are right now... trying, but not really trying... just not taking birth control, and feeling like we've been hit by a train every time my period starts...