Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Baby Stuff!

We may not be having the baby until September, but the baby stuff has started to arrive! :) Ruth bought the turtle sleeper that says "I love Mommy" (Josh is very hurt that there isn't a Daddy one, so if anyone sees one, that would be a good choice!) and it's adorable. Then my aunt, Jane, sent a care package full of baby stuff (she's spoiling him/her already). It had all kinds of fun stuff: wrist rattles, a photo album called "Who Loves Baby?," baby socks (always adorable), and the two white onesies. If you can read them, they say "Party in my Crib, 2 am" and "Nothing's wrong, just testing you." I'm afraid I will be living those words all too soon! Then of course there's the baby blanket we bought, the spoons Dad Looten got for us, and a bunch of fun stuff that one of the ladies at Josh's work brought him because she is getting rid of her baby stuff. Don't be confused, though, the stuffed animals in the background are Josh's, not the baby's! The little tiger is for the baby, though. Josh bought it today from the March of Dimes, and named it Hobbes. Here's hoping we don't have a Calvin! Anyway, it's really fun to be collecting all of this stuff. When I look at baby stuff, though, it just brings to mind the question of finding out or not finding out what the baby is. I am very much of to minds about it. On the one hand, what a fun surprise! But, on the other, more logial hand, I have to have clothes for the baby because I'm obviously NOT going to feel up to going shopping right after he/she is born! So it'd be nice just to decorate and buy stuff. So I don't know, still wrestling with that one. At least we have until May to decide.

The other good news is that I am about 13 weeks now, and, just as promised, the nausea is starting to subside. Not that it's gone, I still gag randomly at a moment's notice (like when Josh makes the mistake of opening the fridge while I'm in the kitchen), but not as often, and I'm not as tied to my cheerios as I have been! I can actually go an hour or two without eating anything. So here's hoping that trend continues and I get to enjoy the fun part of being pregnant! That's the part that comes before I'm as big as a house and can't bend over to paint my toenails! :)

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Never Mind! :)

Well, I wasn't going to post on here anymore, I was just going to use the other blog. And I may, as pregnancy progresses and especially after the baby's born. But, for now, the stuff I want to post about I don't want to inflict on some unsuspecting person wondering what we have been up to the last couple of days! So, read this blog at your own risk, as it is unedited! :)

And the story I wanted to tell, was of another first! This weekend we made our first baby purchase (a blanket) and received our first baby gift (plastic tipped spoons). Well, I had another first this weekend, but not such a special one! I had my first puking-in-public experience. It actually reminded me somewhat of Mom's story about puking at the grocery store in Illinois. Except that I was at the mall. Anyway, Josh and I went to get a new battery for my watch. But first we decided to eat lunch, because if I get hungry, it's rarely pretty. So I ate mozerella sticks and a little bit of chicken fingers. Then we decided we would take the food to the car before we headed to Penney's for my watch. Thank God we did! Right as we get to the car, my stomach (which hadn't been feeling well all day, apparently getting up at 5:30 and having a Krispy Kreme donut for breakfast before being in the car for 3 hours wasn't such a good idea) decided it didn't want mozerella sticks anymore and I am puking my guts out IN THE MALL PARKING LOT! I have people driving around me and my husband getting awfully queasy as he stands on the other side of the car frantically trying to figure out what he can do to help. Needless to say, we did not go back in for the watch battery. And, if you should happen to be visiting the Columbia Mall parking lot, watch your step if you park in the last row on the Garfield's side!

When, exactly does all the "glowing" start? 'Cause I don't feel very glowing right now!